Wednesday 11 June 2014

An intro to Offline.js

Ever wondered how many times we have been browsing a site and we do not see any activity. After many wonders and one refresh, we find that our internet connection is down.

Well, wouldn't it be nice if someone notifies us. Do not worry, because Offline.js comes to your rescue to provide your users with that unique experience.


Site: Offline.js
Docs: Offline.js doc
Github page: Offline.js Git
Demo page: Offline.js Demo

Some of the things it manages to do are:

1. It basically notifies the users that they have lost internet connectivity.
2. It captures ajax requests made during the offline state and remakes them when the connection is back.
3. It requires zero configuration.
4. It provides many themes to improve the user experience and to blend with your site.
5. It's minified and comes at 3kb size.

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